Monday, October 15, 2007

The wonders of NaNoWriMo and crazy chick lit

Every November, I take part in NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month. The challenge: write a 50,000 word novel during the month of October. I've never completed the task and won the challenge, the highest word count I've acheived was around 30,000 words. But, this year will be different. This year, I've come up with the most amazing novel premise in the world.

Zombie chick lit.

I love chick lit. I love zombies. In fact, a few years ago I had the chance to model in a zombie fasion show.

This year, I will plow through 50,000 words, win the challenge, and write an innovative and compelling story about a single gal who survives a zombie apocalypse while helping her ex-boyfriend save all of his old girlfriends. (Hint: It won't be the men who take charge after the zombies hit. My heroine is an expert on zombies and Voodoo.)


Cate Gardner said...

Wendy, your book sounds really interesting - I love zombies :). My current project, a children's book, is full of zombies...

God said...

Wow! What a great idea! That should turn the chic-lit world on its ear!

GeneralBobby said...

I love a good zombie tale and it sounds like there could be a lot of juicy interpersonal conflict and even some dark comedy too.I hope you reach your goal.

Marie said...

Haha, that sounds fantastic! I'd definitely read it.

Have you seen "Undead?" Don't want to spoil its cracky goodness, but it's a cult Australian zombie flick. With aliens.